
LZ1 and Huffman compression problem in Lotus Notes client 8.5 with EmbeddedObjects

There are 2 databases and both have the LZ1 compression turned off.
The source db has a doc within an attachment without compression. When you extract the attachment and then attach it into a (new) doc in the destination db with the following call
Call body.embedObject(EMBED_ATTACHMENT, "", path, filename)
than the attachment is going to be compressed with LZ1 (even it is turned off in the database).
This came out on Lotus Notes client 8.5.

The solution is to use the Call body.CopyItemToDocument(doc,"Body") method.
Off course all the content of the richtext element copied to the destination document, if you only need the attachment than you must remove all the other content from the richtext item on the destination document.


Change the default XPages View Collapse and Expand image

This is how you can change the default collapse and expand image for XPages views with 2 easy moves.
1st: add the following lines to your theme:



2nd: add the 2 gifs to the Resources/Images in your Lotus Notes designer.

The result is: all of your XPages views' collapse and expand image changed to your own customized image.
In this solution the changes are acting for both Lotus Notes and web-client.

Have nice and modern applications with XPages!